The parts I needed consisted of your basic filters and fluids, some clutch lever bits, a number of rusty connectors, a speedo gear housing (the cable got replaced too), and replacement levers for the rusted out old ones. At a CoG suggestion I looked at Murph's and found a full set of stainless replacement fasteners. The bike was missing a number of them and the rest were in various states of disrepair. I now have a pile of spares and new ones on the bike. They look great and the whole deluxe set was less than seventy bucks. Murph also had stainless replacement clutch and brake levers for only twenty bucks each, so I picked those up too.
The nicest surprise was the Concours Owners Group (best membership fee I've ever paid for!). When asking about aftermarket options for the master cylinder covers I broke getting rusted bolts out, one of the moderators offered to mail me up a spare set from Florida in exchange for an adult beverage at some future time. If you own a Connie, COG is a must do. I get the sense that even if you don't have a Concours, COG is still something special.
With everything back together she hummed around our cul-de-sac in fine form. No leaks, controls feel sharp, I think she's ready for a run at a safety. If she passes I'm going to semi-retire the Ninja and put it up for sale and spend the rest of the season seeing what the Connie can do. Once the snow closes in I'll break it down again and do the body work so next spring it looks as good as it runs.