It's February and I'm squirrelly.
The Ninja has been cleaned to within an inch of its life. I've cleaned up the frame and painted it. Now that I've got the bike stripped down I'm going to change the plugs and clean the air filter before rebuilding it. Two Wheeled Motorsports just down the road near Guelph on Highway 6 had everything I needed and offered some good advice too.
By the time the roads begin to clear (assuming they do) I'll have a spotless Ninja to ride on them.

The insulated garage has been doing good work. A small shop heater will raise -20°outside temperatures to 15° in the shop, and having the tools organized has helped get a lot of work done, but what I really want to do is go ride.
Can you ride in the winter? Apparently. Since seeing the new KLR at 2-Wheel this week I'm once again thinking about selling the Ninja and dual-sporting up. It'd let me ride in more conditions more often. I'd rather keep both bikes, but insurance is punitive and I couldn't afford to pay twice as much.
March break would be a good time of year to take a trip somewhere and enjoy a few days of riding, just to get this monkey off my back.