I'm finding myself suddenly reading Practical Sportsbikes because the winter subscription I get to Performance Bike Magazine has migrated over as PB ends a three decade run and merges with their more practical (and I'm assuming more popular) child publication. I'm enjoying Practical Sportsbikes (they offered me a couple of back issues during the transition), though I miss some of the best bits from Performance Bikes like the Rutter comparison tests and the general focus on riding. There is a rawness to Performance Bikes that sometimes reduces itself to the juvenile, but you can't deny their love of riding. If the new combined publication can keep Performance Bike's active, athletic and obsessive focus on riding then I think I'll enjoy the new combination.
I've tried Practical Sportsbikes a few times but find it gets a bit lost in nostalgia driven mechanical minutia. I've never been much of one for nostalgia, it's never as good as you remember. Mechanics and practicality are all well and good too, but for me, for now at least, it's the visceral act of riding that should take centre stage. If practicality was the primary motivation, I wouldn't ride a motorbike in the first place.
Here's hoping...
PB has always tapped racers and performance focused riders to shine a light on the act of riding, something they obviously love obsessively. If the new magazine can combine that love with the mechanical sympathy needed to enable it, then I might be in for a whole year subscription instead of just using PB to get me through the neverending Canadian winter. I usually look to BIKE Magazine for my joy of riding buzz. This new publication might be able to give them a run for their money by offering a wider range of performance focused riding while still scratching that mechanical itch. Here's hoping they find a way to balance the two into a monthly ode to the visceral art of motorcycle riding and graft of mechanical sympathy that enables it.
With riding coming to an end in the Great White North I'm looking more closely at motorcycle media to sustain me through the long, dark cold. Some magazines have already made the cut and are a sure thing when it comes to subscribing. The first one I found was Cycle Canada: a local, opinionated and well written magazine that has no interest in editorial-beige. They tend toward the no-holds barred British writing approach. I subscribe to both BIKE and Performance Bike for that approach (though PB has enough grammar problems that I sometimes find it difficult to take seriously). Cycle Canada is a joy to read, it's just hard to get a hold of. I tried to renew my subscription in the summer and the publishing company couldn't get their website to work, which happens. I tried again weeks later and it still wasn't working. Being told to phone it in doesn't cut it in 2014 (I don't like giving credit card info over the phone). You have to wonder what's going to happen to a media company that can't make basic internet functionality work in the 21st Century. I ended up going through Roger's Magazine subscription service in July in an attempt to get my mits on CC, it's the end of October and I haven't seen a magazine yet. Cycle Canada? Great magazine, but pretty hard to get your hands on.
The other Canadian magazine I've got a lock on is Motorcyle Mojo. I think of it as the Canadian version of Rider Magazine (the only US magazine I'm subscribed to). Excellent layouts and photography (which feel like an afterthought in CC), original travel pieces and knowledgeable editorials. The writing isn't as edgy as CC, but Motorcycle Mojo knows what it's talking about and presents it well. They also know how to run a website and communicate really well with their subscribers. Two on the cusp are Inside Motorcycles and Canadian Biker Magazine. I got both as a present, but I'm not sure if I'll keep them going. IM did an article this month on the Polaris Slingshot. Apart from sounding like an advertisement, it also kept calling the three wheeler "unique". One of the first cars I ever rode in in England in the early 1970s was my grandmother's three wheeler. I suspect Morgan would dispute the gee-wiz uniqueness of the Slingshot as well. You can't be expected to know everything, but if you're going to write on a vehicle, doing a little research would prevent you from calling the rehash of an idea that's been around since the birth of motor vehicles, "a whole new class of vehicle." Lazy writing like that is what'll stop me renewing that subscription. At the same time Canadian Biker Magazine had an editorial by Robert Smith that not only demonstrated a deep and nuanced understanding of the history of three wheelers, but also accurately and incisively deconstructed why this type of vehicle can never let you experience flying in two dimensions like a motorcycle does. This kind of knowledgeable and opinionated writing is what would keep me re-upping that subscription.
Since I'm in riding withdrawal I've been continuing my overdose on motorcycle media. In one of the many magazines I've been picking up I came across the Overland Adventure Rally, which happens to be only about half an hour away from where I live. I won't be participating on a Ninja, but I'm working on that. The magazine picks have been many and varied. On the Canadian side I have picked up Inside Motorcycles and Canadian Biker.
IM is very race focused so I've been trying to use it to get a grip on what racing is offered/popular in Canada. I stumbled across the last MotoGP race of the year on SPEED and gave it a watch. Utter madness! But more entertaining than any F1 race I watched this season.
I'm still partial to British bike magazines and pick them up when I come across them. Motorcycle Sport & Leisure is written from older perspective but the mag holds up the quality end of British magazines. Few ads, lots of articles on a wide range of subjects, well written too.
BIKE magazine is a big one in the UK and I can see why. The writing is top notch, I was laughing out loud as I read one piece on all the ways an author has fallen off a motorcycle. I'd pick up Adventure Bike Rider again, but it was hard to find even when I was in the UK this summer. These hard to find British magazines may drive me to reading on a tablet just so I can get at them.
Cycle Canada is the only bike magazine I've gotten a subscription to so far, no regrets there.