Evidently the company that runs this trip is no longer doing business, but here's hoping they are able to get it going again, what a journey.
This is a compilation of amazing video. Other than the first track I generally enjoyed the musical accompaniment too.
What surprised me was the level of acrobatic control that is possible on a bike, and the drifting is astonishing. Between the stunt bike riding and the race footage, it makes me wonder how someone learns this degree of control. A bike with no plastic fairings that got dropped a lot must be somewhere in their past. I've often thought that an old dirt bike that I could drop without worrying about it would help me get a feel for the limits on a bike, even at low speeds.

On a now-for-something-completely-different in terms of motorbike media, I'm finishing up the bike hole. For decoration I wanted something bikey. My wife got me some fantastic hand drawn prints while we were in England this summer, so they were destined for the finished garage.
I also wanted some clean pictures of modern bikes that I like. We just set up a photo printing station at work, so I found some clean, high-def side views of bikes on white backgrounds that made for some nice 4x6s.
The end result is a nicely bike themed bike hole. It's not quite finished yet, but it's looking good.