The ride out is going to be an avoid the GTA at all costs exercise (like most things are). Other than getting pinched in Newmarket, it should be a straight shot across the top of population. Port Perry is nice and once I'm past Peterborough, Highway 7 is a winding ride into Canadian Shield.
Where I drop off Highway 7 at Mountain Grove and cut down to the godforsaken 401 looks like a roller coaster of a road. A quick blast (no such thing any more) down the 401 should finish the trip at Gananoque where I'll meet up with the family and we'll hang out for a couple of days.
We meander north west from the east end of Lake Ontario before finally cutting south around the end of Georgian Bay.
If we leave Tuesday morning, we'll overnight somewhere around Haliburton before finishing up the ride on Wednesday.
All told it should be about 1300kms of riding some of Ontario's best roads.