After wandering around the NAIMs the one motorcycle wish I had was RACER5. I had a nice chat with the people running the stand and after seeing that, a weekend in the summer getting my race license would be the most awesome May/June or early July weekend birthday present I could think of. They run the three day course at Grand Bend Motorplex on little Hondas. You get lots of track time and classroom support. By the end of the course you get your racing license. Watching how they set up the bikes would also be handy as I'd eventually like to build my own track bike. They also offer kit rentals, so I could get a good idea of what size I'd need as well as how racing gear fits. The race focus would allow me to explore riding dynamics at an advanced level on a closed track. I'd be able to bring that knowledge back to my riding on the road. As a form of insurance, it might well save me a lot of grief. It's a big ask, but it would make one hell of a birthday present. I wonder if any other bikers I know would be interested.
1... Track Days:Grand Bend Motorplex does beginner track days at various times throughout the summer. I'm going to make a day where I can go down there and give the Ninja a workout in a track environment. It'll be an early start, but if I can time the weather right it'll be a great opportunity to develop more fluid riding and gently get a feel for how the bike handles in more extreme conditions. A hundred bucks doesn't seem bad for a full day of track time. If not Grand Bend then there are other options. Cayuga is $125 for a day and an hour and forty five minutes south through Hamilton. Mosport and Shannonville are both venues for, who offer track days there. I haven't been to Shannonville since I did the Nissan advanced driving school in the 1990s, it'd be nice to go back. Shannonville does their own track days, for $145 a day. Calabogie is way out Ottawa way, but it ain't cheap, though the track is supposed to be fantastic. 2... Off Road Training:Yamaha Adventures is a lovely hour and a bit ride north of where I am. The full day package on their bike isn't cheap ($329), but it would give me a chance to get a feel for off-road riding without the equipment overhead. Trailtour also offers trials and dual-sport courses, both of which are cheaper alternatives, and they happen to be under an hour south of the family cottage. Trials riding is very technique intensive and would do a lot to improve my balance on any bike. As many different experiences in as many different circumstances as I can manage, that's the goal this year.