Monday 22 August 2022

Nerdy Moto-Trip Planning: Ride to Watch Artemis Launch to the Moon in Florida

I'm facing impending return to a perilous workplace of questionable effectiveness.  Expect to see more pie in the sky posts on TMD as I find ways to escape from a terminal re-entry into another year of politics and frustration at work.

The ride to watch the Artemis moon launch set for Monday, August 29th (at the earliest) at Cape Canaveral in Florida.

What I'd do if I didn't have to go back to work in the coming weeks and was looking for a way to be busy and gone while the education machine groans back into life again.

Leave Monday, Aug 22nd, take an extra day either around the Dragon's Tail or in the Appalachians (or in Savannah! many choices!).

THE RIDE DOWN (to Florida Aug 22-29):

Day 1:  Elora to Philpsburg PA:  569kms

We Are Inn:

Day 2:  We Are Inn PA to Lydia Mtn Lodge VA 254mi

Lydian Mountain Lodge:  Nice place for a two night stay!

Day 3:  Lydia Mtn Lodge VA to Quality Inn Bristol:  300mi

Blue Ridge Parkway:

Day 4:  Bristol VA to Dragon City & Tail of the Dragon: 246mi

Dragon City:

Day 5:  Dragon City to Savannah GA: 397mi

Day 6:  Savannah GA to Daytona Beach (1 hr north of Cape Canaveral):

Day 7:  Daytona Beach to Cape Canaveral to Boca Raton: 246mi (70mi/1hr to Cape Canaveral): Watch the launch (!!!) then head on down to Miami.

August 22-29th for Aug 29th launch.

POST LAUNCH (Aug 29-last week of September):

Miami & Key West:  Boca Raton to Key West: 207mi

Spend some days in Key West and then work my way up around the Gulf Coast to New Orleans:  ~1000mi

After some days in and around New Orleans, it'd be a slow ride up the Mississippi River Delta with a swing over to The Ozarks before returning to Ontario end of September:  ~2500mi over a couple of weeks.

On the road for approximately 4 weeks (August 22 to September 22ish).  One week down, 3 weeks after launch covering Florida, New Orleans, the Mississippi and the Ozarks back home:

I have just the machine to make this trip on: