Sunday, 20 December 2020

Bygone Motorcycle Advertising And Graphic Design

 I've been frequently digging up old pre and post World War 2 motorcycle details for THE BOOK.  This often involves advertising.  The time when something came out is as unique a culture as where it came out.  These are some of my favourites from Pinterest that present a bygone era of cultural influence...

I cleaned this one up and printed it on a poster for the garage.

Going to try and make a custom t-shirt out of this one...

Not mid-Twentieth Century, but has some cool 70's vibes to it.

There are a whole pile of good English & French ones to be found on the Old Thumpers Wordpress site.

Amazon et Machina is a series of graphic prints by Señor Mayor that uses historical motorbikes with iconic women. My fav is Diana Rigg on a Brough Superior, but they're all fantastic...