A 300km round trip up to Georgian Bay and back:
I aimed to get out of the boring straight lines of South West Ontario and over to the Niagara Escarpment as quickly as I could. I was going to head up Highway 6 but it was packed full of GTA types escaping their pandemic ridden cities, so I angled off in Fergus and took 16 up, which was completely empty. That would become a theme of the ride.
It took me about an hour to get up to Flesherton, where I made a stop at Highland Grounds for an Americano. I usually enjoy sitting in there sipping my coffee while sitting on their 70's retro disco red glitter vinyl chairs, but it being the summer of COVID, I ended up drinking my fine coffee by the Tiger on Highway 10 (also packed full of citiots all doing the same thing at the same time, as they do).
While I was standing there I noted the new bicycle shop that had opened up a few doors down. Ryan Carter, the owner of the new Ryan's Repairs, had some interesting kit out front, including a seventies banana seat bike with a single cylinder engine mounted to it. I ended up chatting with him for a bit and had a look in his shop. He'd only been up in Flesherton for a couple of weeks. If you're up that way and you're interested in bicycles or even just some interesting mechanical engineering, drop in with your Higher Ground coffee and see what's what at Ryan's Repairs.
It was a longer than planned stop in Flesherton, but I eventually finished my americano and then I was off to Beaver Valley. Highway 10 was bumper to bumper, but I dodged through town and only had a to do a few hundred yards with the sheeple before turning off onto empty country roads again.
Beaver Valley has a fantastic road (Grey County Road 30) that weaves down into it with epic views. If you hang a right at the bottom and go on the dirt, the ride back up Graham's Hill is intense, particularly so this time as all the recent rain had washed it out leaving a stream cut down the middle of it that was tricky to navigate. I ended up on the wrong side of it as it cut across the road, but even on my 'it's time for a change but no one has them in stock' Michelin Anakees, I was still able to
The view out from Graham's Hill lookout was also worth a stop. I went through there last year in the middle of autumn colours and it burned itself into my memory. This time around everything was super green, but it's still some interesting geography to ride in our otherwise tedious flatness.
I looped back around to Grey 30 and came back down the hill without a slow mover in front this time before hanging a left and following the road out to Beaver Valley Road and the trek up to Thornbury. I was there in the early spring but the harbour was closed in the early days of COVID. I was hoping this time I'd be able to get myself right down to the water's edge.
I guess Beaver Valley Road isn't on everyone's GPS because it was fairly empty. With a few big, high speed sweepers, it's a nice way up to the bay. Ontario 26, the road that follows the shore, is evidently on everyone's radar because it was bumper to bumper. After a brief stop to look at the bay...
... I stopped for gas in Thornbury, but the traffic on 26 was nuts. Rather than sit in a line to get through
the light for half an hour, I zipped up the side and took a right back inland. South out through Thornbury and Clarksburg (no traffic), I hung a left on 40 (also empty) and rode directly to Grey County Road 2, which would bring me back over Blue Mountain and into the Grey Highlands. I'm still at a loss to explain why, when left to their own devices, most people just imitate each other. I'm not sure what happens in their heads that makes sitting in traffic when they are surrounded by empty road make sense.
The roads south were also pretty empty, though I'm able to dispatch traffic with alacrity on the big 'ol Tiger. Singhampton arrived in no time. 124 northbound had construction and what looked like a half an hour wait to get through it. I was heading south then east and bypassed it. I wouldn't have sat in it in any case. A better way around would be to zip down Crazy River Road toward Creemore then wind through the hills of Glen Huron, which is exactly what I did.
The big skies in the hills were getting dark as I headed south. It was cloudy when I left, but driving north to the bay meant avoiding that rain, now I was riding back into it. The clouds were ragged as I flew south on 124.
By this point I'd been on the road for about four hours and hadn't stopped since Flesherton, so I figured I'd give River Road from Horning's Mills to Terra Nova a go. It was closed for construction when I tried it in the spring, so this would be my first ride on it in 2020. Like everything else in Ontario these days, they've managed to fuck it up. After construction the entire road is now a 50km/hr zone with community fines doubled signs everywhere. I really need to move somewhere else. I get that no one wants idiots ripping up and down the road in front of where they live, but a 50/community safety zone for the entire length of a road that has maybe ten driveways on it over 12 kms? There must be money in the area.
Fortunately, Terra Nova Public House was open and could squeeze me in for a socially distanced soup between their lunch and dinner service. The rain finally hit while I was sitting out back. Big, fat drops splashing into my soup, but it was still fantastic (maple carrot homemade!). It was a brief shower and it blew over quickly. I was in and out of TNPH in about 20 minutes, and by the time I came out the road was dry again. I puttered back along River Road, frustrated at the iron grip of government and then started the burn south west back home.

The Tiger ran like a top. The idle/stall issue seems to be a thing of the past. It was a nice ride through some changeable weather. It was also cool enough that I wasn't cooking on the seat, so I felt like I still had a lot in me when I got back. The trip knocked the Tiger up to only 600kms away from hitting 80k. It turns twenty years old in 2023, and I like the symmetry of it hitting 100k by then, so that's the goal. This winter it'll get new shoes (if anyone ever gets Michelin Anakees back in stock again), and a complete service including all bearings and suspension. It'll get an oil change too if anyone ever has Mobil 1 motorcycle oil back in stock again (finding parts during COVID is an ongoing headache).
I should get well into the 80s before the riding season's done, and then it'll be spa time.