WEST COAST NODE: a storage unit in San Francisco
The Cubesmart I'd aim for is in Freemont, about 40 minutes from the Airport. $140US a month gets you a 90 square foot storage area that could easily swallow a bike or two and some gear.
There are dozens of best rides around the city, so this makes for a target rich centre for motorbiking. A winter ride doing the PCH north of SanFran and through the mountains back to the city would be a lovely idea...
If San Francisco were my West Coast base I'd have access too all of California and could still reach out to the South West even in the winter months. That'd be the nicest time to ride the deserts anyway.
EAST COAST NODE: a storage unit near Knoxville, TN

I could proceed south to the Tail of the Dragon and further on into Georgia, the Atlantic coast and Florida or west towards New Orleans.
The run south into the Smokey Mountains is a quick one:
Austin, Texas and the lone MotoGP appearance left in North America is only a couple of long days west. Then again, Austin would make another good network node...
Central/South West Node: a storage unit near Austin, TX

Circuit of the Americas where North America's last MotoGP race is held is only twenty minutes away. The Twisted Sisters, one of the best roads to ride in North America, are only an hour away...
Outfitting Each Node
I'd build up a package to keep with the bikes in each storage depot. A duffel bag with basic tools, fluids, an extension cord and a battery jumper just in case I have to give things a spark to get them going. I'd make a point of putting the bikes away well, but you never know how long it might be until someone is back to exercise them, so having the kit on hand would be helpful, especially if I'm getting there at 4am after a red-eye for some much-needed two wheeled therapy.
Licensing bikes in Ontario for riding elsewhere would be a stupid idea as Ontario is one of the worst places to own a motorcycle. If I could find a reasonable place to make a residence (like BC or Alberta), I could license a number of bikes and leave them scattered around North America. If I hadn't been there in a while all I'd need to bring along is maybe a new plate sticker if needed.
Off hand, my 3 remote stables would look like this:
West Coast

I'd have an SW-Mototech EVO cargo bag that would let me turn the big Zed (and the Suzuki below) into a tourer for those longer trips.
East Coast
With the Tail of the Dragon right around the corner, Knoxville calls for a bike that can handle the corners but can also cover distances if I wanted to ride to the Florida Keys or New Orleans. Most sports bikes look small under me, but not the mighty Hayabusa. It isn't as skinny and dynamic as a sports bike, but it's still more than able to handle twisties while also being a surprisingly capable distance muncher. BIKE Magazine just took one across the USA.

That's three very different machines for each storage point down south. Swapping machines between depots would also be a cool idea, so riding the Triumph to San Francisco and then riding the big Zed back to Austin if I felt like changing up the options. Setting up each bike drop would also make for a good end of season ride down south.
California Dreaming
The snow is blowing sideways in the dark, only visible as it passes through the dull orange of the sodium parking lot lights. The car crunches to a stop in knee deep drifts. I shut it off and the cold immediately begins to creep in through the cracks. Grabbing the duffel bag on the seat next to me I make a mad dash for the monorail entrance at the end of the long term parking lot, the car is already being buried in snow. A big Boeing thunders overhead, lights invisible in the swirling darkness.The monorail slips silently through the night into the terminal. The airport is dead, barely a soul in sight. With a printed e-ticket I walk straight to security and US customs and pass through quickly. Two hours later the Airbus is thundering down the runway and I'm watching snow vortex off the wings as we slip into the night. Its a five hour and forty minute red-eye flight ahead of the coming dawn; we land in San Francisco at 4am local time.
With no luggage to wait on I'm out of the airport in minutes and in one of many waiting cabs heading to Freemont. It's a foggy nine degree night as the cab quickly makes its way down empty streets to the storage lockup. Sunrise is beginning to hint in the east as I unlock the roll up door to reveal a covered motorbike in the shadows. The bike underneath gleams black and green in the predawn light as I pull the blanket off. If I was tired before, I'm less so now.
I transfer a few clothes from the duffel to the hangover soft panniers and belt them to the bike. I give it the once over and make sure everything is ready to fly. With the key in the ignition I turn it and watch LEDs play across the dash. The breeze outside smells of sea salt and the fog is beginning to lift; I feel like I've landed on another planet.

While the bike warms up I change out of travel clothes and leave them in the duffel hanging on the wall. A few minutes later I'm in boots, riding pants and leather jacket and feeling warm in the cool morning air. It's mid-winter here too, but a Northern Californian mid-winter is a very different thing from Ontario. The forecast is calling for fifteen degree days, no nights under five and mostly crisp, sunny weather. This would be ideal fall riding weather back home and this Canadian riding gear is built for cool days like these.
I pull into the Shoreline Coffee Shop in Mill Valley just north of the bridge for a big plate of eggs and bacon and some good coffee; it's just past 7am. I've got six days ahead of me to explore the coast and mountain roads around here before I've got to go back to the land of ice and snow.