Yesterday I took the KLX out for a stretch, today the Concours. I'm trying to get her up over thirty thousand miles this season. Thanks to today's run I'm a hundred miles closer.
I first aimed at Marsville to have another look at the XS1100, this time in daylight. It's $500, the motor isn't seized (!), and it's seen better days. I left a message on the number attached to it, we'll see what comes back. That it's covered in cobwebs and has spent the last who knows how long in the back of a barn somewhere only makes me want to take it home and take it apart more. It's a good candidate for a tear down - especially if I can get the price down. After looking at ye old Yamaha, I struck north, aiming for Horning's Mills and River Road. Nothing works out the kinks like bending the big Kawi down some winding roads. It was busy up there, with lots of bikes looking for the twisties. The weather was hot (in the thirties Celsius) and sunny. River Road gives you some very un-Southern Ontario like bends, it was nice to give the edges of my tires some work. With all the traffic on the road I had to keep timing my corners so I wouldn't run into nice old couple in minivans out for a lovely drive. A guy coming the other way on an R1 showed how it's done, executing a smooth, quick pass to get around the moving chicanes. Just when you get past the twistier bits you come across the Terra Nova Public House, a tavern in the old style, with raftered ceilings and great local beers on tap. After a break in the shade and a cool drink, I took the Concours back down River Road the other way and headed back via Grand Valley and Belwood, to Elora. Three hours in the baking sun had me a little sun-stunned by the end of it, but what a lovely day for a ride. The memory will keep me warm in the coming darkness!