The Concours became my regular riding bike so I sold on the Ninja. Eventually a KLX250 off road bike came into the garage, but didn't last long as I struggled to find ways to use it in Ontario: land of no fun. That led to a too-quick purchase of a Yamaha XS1100 from an entirely dodgy kid that led me into the headaches of sorting ownership. That experience has made me more cautious in buying used bikes. The belief is that all motorcyclists are salt of the earth types, but that isn't my experience; shifty would be a better description.
So far I've been able to make money on my R&R projects, Shed and Buried style, but I don't make it easy on myself. Both the Concours and the XS1100 were big, four carburetor bikes with spaghetti loads of vacuum tubes and complex wiring. I've taken my time looking for the next project and tried to look for something simple, air cooled and single cylinder, but bikes like that don't come up often. As the summer fades and winter approaches, it was time to commit to a new R&R project.
This 1997 Honda CBR900RR Fireblade came up on Facebook buy and sell. I've found the local nature of Facebook's marketplace offers up interesting opportunities that you don't find on the hardened semi-pro sellers of Kijiji and Autotrader, where you are much more likely to find shady characters who sell a lot of crap. This twenty-two year old non-running Honda got me curious enough to contact the seller in Alliston.
It turns out the bike had gotten tangled in a divorce and was then sidelined. It was eventually used to settle debts between the estranged couple, but now it belonged to a non-rider with no mechanical experience who just wanted it gone. Her new partner was trying to sell it for her, but with it not running he wasn't getting any calls. A late nineties CBR in safetied, running condition was going for about $4000, he was asking $1200 for this one as is.
We exchanged a number of emails, both of us cautious as we'd both met idiots from online sales (it turns out the internet is actually full of idiots). As we got to know each other I asked increasingly direct questions - was is repainted to hide crash damage? (no, the former owner didn't like the stickered stock look) - why is it in this state? (where I got the bad karma backstory this bike was unfortunately wrapped up in). The last problem to solve was how to get it here.

Once on the bench I've been able to isolate some obvious problems. I found a spring laying under the carbs on the engine case. If you're fixing a carb it generally helps to use all the parts. I also found that one of the choke pins were broken, so the choke was only working on three of the four carbs, and the choke cable itself wasn't attached correctly, so the choke was only moving about 2/3rds of the distance it should. These are all things that would prevent the bike from starting properly.

Thanks to some judicious use of carb-cleaner, they cleaned up nicely, but does ethanol ever do a job on mechanical fuel delivery systems! Fortunately, if I stick with super unleaded from most stations in Canada, it means I'm not running any in this old bike from now on.
I run super in my bikes anyway because they're very fuel efficient anyway so it doesn't cost much and, at least on the Tiger, the power commander means I can maximize power out of it. For the Honda or any other carb fueled bike, you should be running super just to stay away from the ethanol.

There are other bits and pieces in this poorly looked after carb that are suspect. Rather than use boot clamps to attach the carb to the engine, the muppet who owned it before me appears to have put some kind of rubber sealant on them and attempted to 'glue' them to the block. This is stupid in all sorts of ways. Bits of this rubber seal would deteriorate in the gasoline rich air-fuel mix and get sucked into the engine, and there is no mechanical connection ensuring the carbs are tight and leak free to the engine. For a system that runs on vacuum, this is a disaster.
The boots have cleaned up nicely, so I also need to source some ring clamps for them. The Honda specific ones are hard to find, but I'm hoping I can find some aircraft grade ones that are an engineering match and easier to source. Oetiker Clamps, ironically based in Alliston where the Honda came from, do some nice, high quality options that I should be able to fit.
So much of mechanics come back to common sense. The guy who owned this before seems to have had a startling lack of it. I'm hoping for $1200+$500 in parts I can get this Honda humming and ride it for a year before seeing if I can double my money on it (unless we bond). Safetied bikes of similar vintage with twice the mileage are going for four grand. Even with all the work done so far, the bike hasn't cost me a penny in parts and I may be within spitting distance of sorting out this abused Fireblade.
Follow up:

I gotta say, I'm enjoying Honda engineering. Kawasaki has a real heavy industry feel to it by comparison, though my Kawi experience is mainly on a big sport tourer and this Honda is built for one thing only... getting down the road quickly. But this bike has an engineering elegance to it that makes it a pleasure to work on.
Oh, and Oetiker clamps got back to me and apologized for not having what I needed because (of course) the Honda's clamps are a special size and would require special manufacturing. My quest for carb hose clamps continues.
1996/7 Honda CBR900RR Owner's Manual: https://mototribu.com/constructeur/honda/1996/1000cbr/doc/revuetechnique_900rr.pdf
It has lots of good technical graphics in addition to all the specs you need.
I was also able to source the Haynes Manual for this bike from Fortnine on sale for only $35. Most other places were over $40US, so finding that on sale was a good first step in this project.
At the moment I've got emails out to The Bike Yard in Caledon and Oetiker Clamps in Alliston. With any luck I can source the bits I need and have this Honda purring even before the snow starts to fly, then I can spend the winter sorting out the other fluids and maintenance before it hits the road in the spring.