If you find that your riding is a bit aimless, or you're always showing up at the same places over and over, a long distance rally is a great way to break those habitual rides. You get a theme and some specific targets, but you also get some special monthly targets in this rally. It runs from May to October, so you have lots of time to get points. You can set up rides with intention and ride as hard as you like. Some people go and go if they're all about the points (and have a lot of free time). I'm more about the exploration and photography opportunities, even more so If I've got a pillion along, but you can do it however you like. My son and I have done this a few times now, and my buddy Jeff and I have had some epic rides, but this time it was all about my wife and I getting points and spending some quality time together.

Further north we stopped just past Harriston (after getting a photo of their water tower), and got lunch at The Red Caboose. If you've never had an Ontario chip truck lunch, this would be a great place to start. Everything is grown in the fields around you (including the beef). It's what you'd expect to pay for a burger and fries, but this'll be the first time you've ever had something this fresh. Some fancy burger joint in Toronto will but sriracha on it and charge you five times as much for something that tastes half as good. The fries actually taste like potatoes. We would never have stopped there had we not launched ourselves on this exploratory rally adventure.

We left the park in a sombre mood and headed through the lovely town before striking out east on Highway 4. Another water tower hit and run in Hanover and we were on our way to Durham and the ride south to home.
I'm sure I've passed through Durham before, but have no memory of it. It's a pretty little town in rolling Niagara Escarpment country. Alanna eagle-eyed the Garafraxa Cafe on the main street and we pulled in for a caffeine boost to get us home strong. Things looked promising with an Italian coffee machine that looked like a Vespa scooter and a proprietor who knew what he was doing with it. It ended up being one of the best Americanos I've ever had.
this point we'd been on the road for well over six hours and were ready
to go put our feet up, fortunately our circuitous route took us in a
big loop back home:
Lobo Loco Rallies on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LoboLocoRallies/
Like the page and see what's going on - there is a vibrant community of riders involved with this.
Lobo Loco Homepage: https://wolfe35.wixsite.com/lobolocorallies
Includes the intensive weekend events as well as this season's grand tour. You can sign up on there through RideMaster - the same group that handles Iron Butt Rallies (if you want to get really serious).
Some dammed stops on this year's Grand Tour Rally:
Stop One: Woolwich Dam & Reservoir
43°37'21.3"N 80°33'51.9"W
Getting signage with the name on it counts for points! |
We went a bit overboard with this one. It was our first stop, it was a lovely dam surrounded by Mennonites fishing and we wanted to make sure we got the required things in the photos (and they are many!)...
You will need to have the following in order to collect points:
A) A photo of the dam itself
B) A photo of signage indicating the name of the dam, or a photo indicating the name of the town the dam is in
- We will accept a “Welcome To”, City Limits, or Town Hall sign.
C) The GPS coordinates, approximate street address, or nearest cross street to the dam
Your motorcycle MUST be in at least one of the 2 photos.
You will receive the highest points ONLY for whichever you achieve for each individual dam:
99 points - motorcycle with the dam (which I think we got with the bottom one with me standing with the bike in front of the gate)
66 points - motorcycle with the dam signage
33 points - motorcycle with the town signage
... but I think I like the one with us leaning over the dam more. Sometimes the photographer gets in the way of the rally requirements.
#loboloco Water is Life Rally 2019 Summer Woolwich Dam #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA
We found a squirter at the Woolwich dam!
Stop 3: Conestogo Dam
43°40'32.4"N 80°42'56.0"W
#loboloco Water is Life Rally 2019 Conestogo Dam #motorcycle #rally #theta360 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA
Gotta get that signage in for maximum points.
Stop 8: Holstein Dam
44°03'36.0"N 80°45'29.4"W
... that was a buggy one. Dam in photo, check, rally flag, check, bike in photo, check!